Build & Start

The blueprint’s environment runs with Docker. Therefore, before using it, you must build it. All is done thanks to the Dockerfile file that is located at the root of the project.

The content of the Dockerfile is pretty straightforward:

FROM jupyter/base-notebook:python-3.7.6

COPY docker/ /home/
COPY requirements.txt /home/requirements.txt
RUN rm -rf /home/jovyan/work

RUN pip install -r /home/requirements.txt

ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "/home/"]

The base image used (base-notebook here) can be configured in the cookiecutter.json. In this file, you can set the default value for the docker_base_image parameter, and you will also be prompted the parameter when installing the blueprint with the cookiecutter command.

When the blueprint’s environment is built, you can start it with this command:

$ make environment-start

The output of this command should be:

Environment is running!
Notebooks interface is available at http://localhost:8888

The Jupyter notebook interface is then accessible through port 8888 (by default). It is also possible to configure the default port value in the cookiecutter.json file.

All the dependencies listed in the file requirements.txt will be loaded in the environment during its build. This means that if you update the file requirements.txt and you want to add those new dependencies to the environment, you will need to build it again.

To do so, just launch a new build thanks to the following command:

$ make environment-build