
Build the environment

After the blueprint is installed, most of what you will do with your environment will work through the make command. You can build your environment like this:

$ make environment-build

You should see the following output:

Successfully built c70c2ec13421
Successfully tagged awesome-project-env:latest

Environment is built! A Docker image was created: awesome-project-env

Let’s add some sample data to our project:

$ make environment-data

You can now start your environment:

$ make environment-start

You should see the following output:

Environment is running!
Notebooks interface is available at http://localhost:8082

Use the Jupyter interface

You can now reach out to your environment interface, and access the Jupyter notebook instance. A notebook has been created with the blueprint, to give you a sample exploration. It is located in the notebooks folder. After displaying it, you can run the cells.


Work with the shell

Back to your terminal, you can now launch a shell:

$ make environment-shell

You are now in the shell, and you will notice that the prompt has changed:


Move to the scripts folder, and launch a python script that tests your package:

jovyan@awesome_project:~$ cd scripts
jovyan@awesome_project:~/scripts$ python3 nz-mapping.py

This is the output you should expect:

               NZ_area  Count               geo_level
0  Area Outside Region      6  Regional council areas
1  Area Outside Region     15  Regional council areas
2  Area Outside Region      9  Regional council areas
3  Area Outside Region     15  Regional council areas
4  Area Outside Region      3  Regional council areas

               NZ_area  Count               geo_level
0  area outside region      6  REGIONAL COUNCIL AREAS
1  area outside region     15  REGIONAL COUNCIL AREAS
2  area outside region      9  REGIONAL COUNCIL AREAS
3  area outside region     15  REGIONAL COUNCIL AREAS
4  area outside region      3  REGIONAL COUNCIL AREAS