Make the environment your own

The blueprint’s environment is entirely managed with Docker. Therefore, if you wish to customize the environment, you may update the following files

Updating Dockerfile

The Dockerfile’s content is pretty straightforward:

FROM jupyter/base-notebook:python-3.7.6

COPY docker/ /home/
COPY requirements.txt /home/requirements.txt
RUN rm -rf /home/jovyan/work

RUN pip install -r /home/requirements.txt

ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "/home/"]

The installation process is explained as follow:

  • Load the base docker image for jupyter notebooks
  • Copy the starting script
  • Copy the python dependencies list
  • Install the dependencies
  • Map the image starting script with the one we have just added

Updating docker-entrypoint

The purpose of the docker-entrypoint script is just to prepend the jupyter workspace launch with a package build of your project. Thanks to this docker-entrypoint script, you can use your project as a python package, in your working environment.

The docker-entrypoint file is located here : docker/